Nowadays. . .

I woke up today and felt truely blessed. (sounds like bullsh*t huh? "aww Tj dont get all godly and hipocritical on us", lol don't worry I wont). I am enjoying my life and i'm so very satisfied. None the less, things continue to happen in my life that I am totally urked by but i've grown to realize that those are the pieces to my puzzle, and if one of those pieces were to be absent, my puzzle wouldn't be complete now would it? it's good to think of life that way, loosely. I try not to be such a pessimist anymore. Something hit me in English class hella early in the day... the quote i came up on was something like, "Things turn out best for those who make the best of things" (or some crap like that), and it kind of clicked.
Updates: remember I couldnt get a job to save my last pair of panties? Now i've got two. It's hectic because I still have no wheels, and im bumming rides from everyone, lol. I'm trying so hard to stay on my grind because it didn't come easy for me. I also go to school still, blah (barely). That's a big hardship right about now. I just feel like so much is going on and it just takes everything out of me to set foot on campus. My whole mood changes when I get there, haha its sooo wack. I think we call it "senior-itis", but whatevvv. I am trying SO HARD to keep my eyes on the prize, failure is not an option at all. On a better note, My 18th birthday is 12/16. It's rapidly approaching, took it long enough. My sixteenth feels like just yesterday, WOW. Two years and 15 pounds came and went. This is definitely my turning point. WARNING.
And, as far as leisure time goes, the romance department is pretty copastetic. It's funny when you get someone new. I'm that little girl on christmas that got a new barbie. It's shiny and new, dolled up (and for some reason, so much better than last year's), or better yet it's like an artist when they start that new canvas. They tend to stare at it alil too much before they make a move, full of ideas they try to keep them under control, being careful not to mess it up on the first try, saying to themselves, "This is the one". Life is pretty breezy nowadays, not too shabby.