Thanks Boogie!

Got home from TX yesterday, did some stuff w/ moms, seen boogie that evening, rolled around the block (literally) for no reason at all, lol checked out his ride. He bought me stuff. I love him. Good times.
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We missed our flight! I'm fucking disgusted! ugh. Then tomorrow morning we have to layover in Vegas for some hours, this is garbage! I'm hot.. FUUUUCK.
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12/27 & Stuff, blah blah.

This is a late post.
Me and my fam-lay went to this cool outlet. I enjoyed myself. Mommy got us coach purses, she got a movado (didn't wanna get me one!) and I was really close to getting a betsy johnson dress. It was too large , then I tried on this other cupcake, mexican looking blue thing that the sales associate suggested. It was too small, my boob wouldn't zip up inside the thing, hahaha. It was ugly anyway, no stress.

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Babysitting seemed to be pretty much a success. I stayed up until 3(something), mom & fam got home around 4am. Goodafternoon! I just woke up from that deep slumber. Its like 1pm. I'm not ever a late sleeper, but.. Shit.. It was great. I don't know what we're doing today.. I'm actually pretty tired of doing things, tired of being bothered. I'm sort of ready to go home. I'm not used to this much attention and this full of a house. People are worried about what I'm doing, where I'm at, when I'm going to wake up, etc. I wanna like.. be alone already. It's getting burn't out. Ya know? 2 more days till our last goodbyes.

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Not So Fun!

+ It's friday.. We went to the mall downtown out here in San Antonio and I must say, it SUCKED.. It was a sucky ass mall!

+ I'm babysitting tonight, me & cousin Jas (Could've did this in California, I'm just sayin') but I'm getting paid, whatevv..

+ I got some stuff outta F21 (same ole) and I got this CYOOTE ipod case, I love it, lol.

+ Its dryyy A.F!

+ I swear I've gained at least 2-3 pds since I've been here.. Smh.

+ I'm a super sloth.

The End.

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It goes DOWN

so, its 5am in TX and we're still up.. I don't know WHY. We're up laughing, looking at old pictures, talking family drama, you know how it goes. I don't know WHY these babies are still up. They get ridiculously turn't up when they're sleepy LMAO. I took photos (little sis & little cousin). We're supposed to be shopping tomorrow, I wanna see some texas malls and such. I got GWAP to spend boyyyy.

Later Gator,
idk what time I'm gonna wake up.
This is ridiculous.
My sleep pattern is thrown off.
I need a good 4 hours to function.

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Act like you care!

So I met this Indian guy at LAX, ate Camacho's with him, he bought us Starbucks and I stole his change on accident, LMFAO like $10. I texted him and told him I'd buy him lunch one day. I felt sooo bad, he was so nice! I know he was thinking "damn black girl, I buy her coffee and she orders the Venti size, a biscotti, then takes all the change, smh". But, he says it was no big deal, and to "holla" at him when I get back to L.A, lol.

Safe flight to Pheonix for our layover, and hour and a half, not bad, no nausea or anything.

So, as we board this other plane to San Antonio, we realize we're walking a fucking sobriety line to get to our seats. This shit is like a midget plane or something, I have a bad headache and its hot as hell.

We came from U.S Airways to this shit (which is supposed to be the same airline, smh) this is gayyy. Even the baggage thingy's above our heads are small, my carry-on wouldn't even fit so its under my long ass legs.. THE FUCK! I'm pissssed.

Wish me luck, and let's pray that I don't have to land at Houston (weather conditions, blah blah)

Christmas eve in an airport? I think not!
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As the days dwindle down..

I have somewhat of an anxiety and a feeling of anticipation towards meeting these strangers, this "family" that I'm supposed to be so pumped to see. Moms all excited to see her big sis for the second time since she was my age. The lady payed $800 for our flights, so I'm guessing she's gwapped up. We'll see.

This weekend was sus as fuck, almayra jean's (nana's) 65th birthday is tomorrow, so I'm going to pay a visit to my west adams player. That's a blessing to me.. My sunshine.

Peace & Love
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Day of Birth

God bless and good looking on all the birthday wishes! Much love!

It was nothing to spectacular but I guess that's all apart of growing up. I wasn't in the 'happy birthday spirit', but I maintained, kept a positive attitude, and I felt loved.

Went and got my good ole faithful 'B.C.P from C.P.K' (bbq chix pizza from california pizza kitchen) haha. I get more money this weekend when I go shop.

Friday's thee last day of school and going to San Antonio the 23rd (fucking plane again.. *puke*)

Peace & Love
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"once again it's ON"

Same ole same ole sh*t. Remind me to never work at a department store again. They milk me DRY here its sooooo boring and HOT and full of old people. These mexicans love asking me things in spanish and its nerve racking. This afternoon I seen my pet-peeve.. of all times...
This lady is walking her two toddlers on fucking leashes. Makes no sense that people can't walk w/ their kids as normal human beings in society instead of restrained dogs or mentally challenged folks. Like, c'mon its normal for children to interact, touch, feel, break things, ask questions, press buttons, etc. That bothers me sooo much. I wanted to whoop her ass. Looked like she was walking dogs and she kept yanking on them and shit.
I digress.. (Haha) I'll be seventeen 12/16 (three days). It's whatever.. sus ass b-day. I doubt I get anything. My third i-pod has slipped away just as thee others. All I wanted for my birthday was some new headphones :( so I'm phucked (how peachy is that?).
I went to loyola's winter formal last night and stayed out till 2. I had a fabulous time, crashed in LA and came to work at 10 (how peachy is that? Lol)

K-bye :-*

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Not quite the interesting weekend I usually hope for, but living on a budget is a b*tch, so I chilled cheap. Mum & I went to the slauson swapmeet and wingstop, lmao. Haven't did the hood thing in a while..

I networked a bunch, laughed at youtube vids and brightened up my own days (since no one seems to know how to be pleasant now-a-days!).

Guess I'm at the schoolhouse manana, back to the day to day struggle, and SHIT come to think of it, I work afterwards! smh. I haven't gotten over 6 hours of sleep a day in like a week fuck. And, moms say we going to San Antonio for X-mas; this traveling shit is getting unbearable.

My weak ass birthday is next tuesday, I don't think I'm getting shit.

Peace, Love & Grits

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Cool Shit

i'm so in love w/ this guy.. i watch this from time to time when i need a laff, lol.

Happy Friday :)

This week breezed by smooth.. Seeing as how I had 3 days of school HA. It was short & sweet.. Meaghan says I have a "crush" on this guy there lol. That's gay stuff. It's pretty cool to have a special face to look around for everyday w/o anyone knowing tho. I always thought of that to be corny, but then again, I've always been pretty anti-emotion w/ all that "sissy stuff". He stares at me all the time tho :-X wonder what's gonna happen haha?

I have no plans this weekend, on the REAL I'm broke and I don't need any plans on my expense, maybe someone elses.

As of now, I'm watching soul plane (I hate it w/ a passion yet I know all the words and shit.. the remote is too far away) and making mum a scarf for her x-mas gift.. I got skills w/ the knitting needles, hahaha.

birthday countdown: 11 days
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Haven't felt much like blogging.. I thought I was ready to come home.. I was wrong.. What made me think my mom's inner bitch would've dissapeared as a result of my absence? I'm still unhappy, irritated, anxious, rebellious, "unappreciative", idgaf. She makes me seem like the laziest piece of shit to have landed on earth, its so irritating.. SHE DOESNT DO FUCKING ANYTHING. I wish I had a dad.. she needs to start smoking weed again or.. Maybe I do. The negative energy takes it's toll on me, and affects me. I don't have any answers. I'm not a big fan of shit talking. she's just the queen of right and I'm in a sea of wrong.. <--Dane cook

Peace & Love (Smoke Somethin')

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HA! HA! Like my aunt poochie says, "I'm baaaa..aaack", I felt it necessary to write a post JUST to state the facts, "and iont give a fuck 'bout nunna dat !" I feel fresh out the pen, lmao.
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This is a good end to this interesting/dreadful trip. We're at cousin Chandra's house and I must say it's much more welcoming and cozy then Zenda's. It's a bit smaller, more modern though; a nice little townhouse-condo thingy in the Dallas suburb. She served us cute little tapas cheeses and gourmet dips, the parentals drank wine and I had this peach thing (virgin, lol). It's almost 3AM out here and I cannot believe I'm up, i'll be crawling in that bed any second now. Its fucking 30 something degrees outside! when I get back to Cali, I'm throwing these uggs in the corner somewhere, lol. I'm so tired of wearing these bootches. My vans are paper thin. I had them on in N'awlins and it started to rain; I was sooo dicked. Well, in the morning we're going to have some quiche and try to see some museums if I wake up in time and then we still have to make it to DFW around 2:30 for the flight at 4. I'll finally get to see my mommy and my mini-me! I wanna cry just thinking about it man. I'll never be mean to them again.. I can be a terror at home I swear and I've been thinking about it everyday, smh. I miss my ladies. Its tough being away from home, I feel incomplete. That just proves how grown I'm NOT. YAY I can't wait to leave this BITCH.. I don't even want to sightsee. I'm gonna pray before my flight. God knows I'm fearing for my life. A 2 1/2 hour flight feels like a 2 1/2 elevator to me, I WILL throw up in a quickie.

Word of the day: "penniless" (lol)
--Adjective; without any money whatsoever, totally impoverished, destitute-- (that's totally my description right now, ha ha)
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Happy Monday.. *sigh* I'm ready to go THE FUCK home. I miss my little sister. I've gained enough culture for a year.. ahuhuhuhhhh (pouting). We're driving to dallas today, our flight is tomorrow afternoon. I just am fed up with automobiles. I haven't driven this much in a lifetime.. on MEEEE. OH YEAH, I seen the 9th ward in N.O yesterday.. It was heartbreaking.. Made me remember how blessed I am and praise GOD... TRUE STORY.

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The famous...

"Ben-yay's" (its spelled funny, and I forgot, so I spell it as its pronounced)lol. They're little french donuts drowned w/ powdered sugar that eeeeveryone was telling us we couldn't leave new orleans w/o trying. I can't say they weren't good, I ate every last crumb w/ some hot chocolate. You could get your total fix for about $1.82 a plate. Check out the results boyyy.
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omfg.. I was so ecstatic when I seen all the beautiful art, I can truly say that's just got to be one of my favorite things in the world. I love how something so gorgeous and complexed could come from a person and their self expression. I wish I had a cool niche. I'm more of a stick figure gal, smh.
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"The bronze man"

That has got to be toxic dude, I wonder how his skin looks under all that
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Jeez, Southern kicked ass in the battle of the bands, but that's of no relevance tonight, Grambling fucked them up in that game this afternoon, 29 to 14 to be exact. The streets are one big party and there's festivities on every block at every club, restaurant, hotel, mcdonalds, etc. all the hoes out-raining and all, niggas leanin', thizzing, yatta yatta. I'm in my room :( if only I wasn't a baby... (Not suggesting that floats my boat or anything) I walked down bourbon street, its quite a sight (and a hot mess), I'm so bored. I'm in the room w/ nana watching sopranos. I wanna cry. I can feel that lump in my throat building up to that little tear. I can hear those fraternity guys outside my door laughing (shit-faced). I'm MAD upset, but we'll be on the road tomorrow morning, smh. I met a fella today in the hallway outside my room while I was drinking my latte. We sat and chatted by the window and looked at the view for about 20 minutes, real good conversation. He had been trying to get my attention for a couple days and I kept brushing him off but he caught me off-guard sitting alone, lol. I guess you really can't judge a book by its cover huh? It's cool to just talk about life sometime with a total stranger that you'll probably never see again.. (DAMN)

Peace & Love

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It's fucking LIVE out here! it would be awesome if I was 21 (or even 18 for that matter) but New Orleans is definitely a city that comes to life after the street lights come on. I went to the Bayou Classic Pre-Game festivities. That battle of the bands was OFF THE CHAIN; would've been better if my family wasn't black (the things that almost went down can't even be discussed, smh, IGNORANCE) I was proud to be black, lol. They say that's the most people that've been in the superdome since "Katrina". That step-show was soooo fkn cool. They stomped their butts off something crucial dawg.. The Kappas were in the house ha ha, those fkn men were BOMB omg, I liked the alphas, but the omegas were something else too. I was shy ta scream in front of my nana, lmao. Now I most DEFINITELY have got to get a college man LOL (a frat brutha or a band member preferably). All I can say is, as for the bands, gramblin got they ASSES whooped, NOT "whipped", but WHOOPED.. sorry uncle kobi. I took some crappy flicks with my cell to show my mum back home. I was up top in the boxed seats.. (Sorry, I'm not buying a camera, FUCK YOU, UP YURZ) it was comfy w/o all the ruckus but when It got crackin', I wish I hadda been down there with the If these old folks would go ta sleep, imma slide into my dress and hit the lobby of this marriott, if ya know what I mean *wink* lmao JK, but there's a suite full of nice looking fellas in the room RIGHT across, I'm so mad, haha. I caught a few eyes, surprisingly! being the only girl with a wool sweater and uggs on (minus a backside) while all these hoochies struttin' around in these cheap ass translucent garments, haha. Goodnight, gonna hit Canal street manana.

Peace & Love (pray for me)

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I must say, New Orleans is the cutest city everrr, lol. Cute men too..mmm. Everybody's down here for the Gramblin vs Southern game, and that super dome is about to be PACKED *phew* I'm just glad I'll be in that joint. I'm roaming the hotel floors and all I see are fraternity guys! This is heart-throb paradise, I could die here.. I'm definitely considering going to college here dude, I ain't lying, lol.

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Wanna get along?

Don't ever spell my name like this, and we're solid.... The moral of this story is: DON'T LET ANYONE WRITE YOUR NAME TAG, ha ha.

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You ever burp and have an acid after-taste when you eat something heavy like pizza, gumbo, etc? That's the grossest shit (just random thinking). Welp, got out to louisiana this evening and now I'm finding myself counting down the days till my return to that "hectic" home I often find myself tryna get the f*ck away from. (HAHA, I feel like reverend Run blogging from the bathtub, lmao) "the moral of this story is: stay your ass at HOME" lol.

P.S: why do these country MF's eat ribs for thanksgiving?

Peace & Love


I've been in Dallas since 11/24 and since then, I've had motion sickness from that rough flight and a stomache virus, sucks huh? Went to the E.R and got a shot in my butt (lol) Tomorrow is turkey day and I could care less about eating anything. On a more positive note, we'll be on our way to Louisiana "sooner than later".