Life is like..

a bunch of malarchy has been running through my mind.. its a trip, but
i think like this on the daily..HAHA.

some stuff like:

you know in "spazz" when pharrell says, "I aint no punk bitch iont give ah fuck"
been saying that under my breath all day, lmao. it STICKS.

and, then I thought about what religion I was.. I dont really think im a christian. It sucks to think i'm a poser.. but I often find myself sitting in church thinking "I dont agree with ANY of this.. and im not moved by ANY of this", ya know? my mom sits next to me crying and shit. It really started to matter once I started sociology class, but then again, in some cases, education can drive a person into the crazy-house.

Then.. I started thinking. "I wonder how being a vegetarian would affect my body. I could go through meat withdrawal or something, hahaha".

Later that night.. my mom made me cry, and everytime she breaks my heart in some way or another, I think "I wish I had someone else... like a dad".. Then I thought, "I miss my dad. Those four years of my childhood before he died on me were awesome.. I had all the gear, all the candy, all the attention and affection, and... this void in my heart was non-existant"

This reminds me of him & US in the nineties:

Today in class, my english teacher told me I was culturally literate and that's the key to living.

Peace & Love,
Daddy's little girl