Farewell! ...

...(To my social life). School on Monday. But, in a way, i'm happy, because if I don't stay on my toes w/ the academics, i'll get in one of those "fuck it" moods, and that's never good with me. AH. I had a great Saturday. I went to Venice Beach w/ mister Left Brain. We had a blast. Then walked a jillion miles to the 3rd street promenade, SMH. We seen miss Marz & my pal Toussaint. He gave us rides back to the hood, haha. This guy V is going back to San Fran today *tears* (of joy). I stole his photos, but whats new? I'm not a photographer, just giving you a taste of my fantastic-ness, and that's what life's all about.. isn't it?

Peace & LA-o-v-e