This week of school felt like two! *phew*, I'm so happy it's the weekend! We did have a sweet ass field trip yesterday tho, lol. Go cart riding resulted in me waking up to sore thighs & a sore ass, which always sucks. I'm walking on pins & needles. School will be over within a couple of weeks! I'm student of the year, my family is proud of me. I'm starting to get back up.. I hopped off the "unfulfilled" bandwagon. I guess when I think of how good most things are actually going, I weed out the things/people that suck. I'm not happy bitching & complaining. I'm gonna stop expecting so much of things and just go with the flow. I'm gonna stop expecting so much of people and focus on myself & my situations. I'm gonna stop bullshitting with a lot of people.. losers that aint about nothing, that wanna hang out and shit, smh. From now on, I think i'm only hanging out with people that make me happy, and i'm pretty happy with what i've got as of now *cheese*. I took another one of my infamous "chances" (as I like to call it). I-D-K what I was thinking, but i'm anxious to see what happens (I wont reveal)... But if I wasn't spontaneous, I wouldn't quite be myself *wink wink*. Summer's coming up, I can hardly wait. It's grind-time.