funny ass convo, haha:

me (10:25:00 PM): whats goin on?
xxxx (10:25:16 PM): ok like im goin 2 grad nite
xxxx (10:25:23 PM): nd im takin sum1 wit me
xxxx (10:25:47 PM): nd like we used 2 tlk wayyyyy bakk
xxxx (10:25:51 PM): but then stopped
xxxx (10:26:17 PM): nd now like uh i asked if she wanted 2 go as my guest 2 grad nite nd she said yea
xxxx (10:26:34 PM): but i thnk i wanna start tlkin 2 her again but i dnt noe how lol
me (10:26:53 PM): so whats the conflict?
xxxx (10:27:51 PM): idk if i shud pursue tlkin 2 her again
xxxx (10:27:59 PM): lol im kinda slow i guess =/
xxxx (10:28:29 PM): basically i want her 2 know im trynna tlk 2 her without lookin like a jackass
me (10:29:28 PM): just tell her you like her
me (10:30:04 PM): chicks act like they wanna move at a turtle's pace, but most likely they're waiting for you to be straight foreward
xxxx (10:30:43 PM): hmmmm
me (10:31:29 PM): yup
xxxx (10:31:44 PM): confusing
xxxx (10:31:50 PM): X/
me (10:32:25 PM): yeah, the opposite sex makes the world go 'round pal
xxxx (10:32:34 PM): lol
me (10:32:38 PM): can't live w/ 'em, cant live w/o 'em
xxxx (10:33:12 PM): yea but that makes tlkin 2 them so much fascinating
me (10:33:31 PM): damn right
xxxx (10:33:44 PM): lol