
...means alot in today's society, well society period.

I would say i'm an average young lady, i'm not the ugliest, nor the flyest, but where my looks are lacking, I have intelligence to pick up the slack. I'm comfortable saying that because it's true.

Confession: Sometimes, I feel like im not pretty because I dont have fake hair & fake nails. I'm a nail biter, and getting my hair pressed isn't really my cup of tea, I just do it... because... idk?

I'm not the slimmest, the thickest, or the most glamorous, but I like getting glitzy just as much as the next girl.

I'd much rather wear some hightop J's, a nice pair of denim, and a hellz bellz tee than something from forever 21, although I do it anyway for the simple fact that it's expected of me, and it probably is more flattering.

I conform to everything I shouldn't, and I feel like a hipocrite when I tell my friends how beautiful they are with curly hair and no make-up but I do the opposite, because I don't think that look is flattering on me. I fall somewhere in the "in-between zone" in every aspect, and mediocracy is wack. Let's hope I find myself before it's too late, smack me if I don't.

While I was plotting on this post, I took some pictures of how I look "all natural". I don't wanna be a self-hater.. blah.

Let it marinate.