
My weekend..

A blur..
(A good blur)..

I have everyone in my life
that I need.. and it just set in.

My life is pretty euphoric.
My grades are excellent.
I could brag about them all day,
im the biggest fuck-up you knew (past tense).
I seen my first "Cirque De Soleil" play;
it was awesome.
I've been getting my share of culture, im not yet full.

My money's been steady,
"Niggas is eatin".

My mom agreed to pay off my debt
to 'THE MAN' so that I can get my license haha.

Shit is breezy, no complaints/troubles from the emo-girl.
well, except for the question that remains "WTF am I gonna
do with my future?"
but fuck it, i'll count the chickens when they hatch, nahmean?
Lately, i've been so happy, it's been like "FUCK A BLOG"..
oh shiyett.. I forgot to mention my Ethiopian curls..
it looks like I have no hair.. I secretly wanna be bald,
but that wouldnt be very flattering now would it?
I hate hair, lol.
I'mma keep it like this for a while.
