Amen to that!

It's been quite a while since i've posted, couple weeks or so, im aware of that. I've been mad busy, but not busy enough to stay out the loop. (I've been skimming through everyone elses blogs, but haven't been posting). . . so what's the news? Anyone who talks to me on the daily knows how much i'd ragg on myself about not having a j-o-b, well I got it, and have been kinda m.i.a. As of now, i've been working 3-4 days a week, pretty solid hours. I went to summerschool for a week, couldnt handle it, I just felt sweaty, stupid, and broke. . . dropped it. On a better note, I've been having an abundance of fun. Things on the daily have been lookin' up for me. I was hoping that the summer season would bring a change, and i'm satisfied. Can I get an "amen!" ? So much shit has happened that blogging was kinda like that awkward silence that everyone hates in a conversation (ya know. . when do u say something? and what do you say?) I'm back off hiatus.